Menopause Fatigue
Many women know the typical symptoms of menopause. Of all these symptoms, there is one symptom that was less known, but is causing major problems for more and more women; menopause fatigue or burn out. It is like an extra symptom that comes on top of or after the other symptoms. To make clear what it is, we will first look at the general known characteristics of menopause.
Menopause as a result of hormonal fluctuations?
Menopause is a natural process that is part of being a woman. Every woman who reaches a certain age experiences it. One person has many complaints. Another much less and a third may only notice that menstruation does not occur at a certain time. Where do the differences lie? Everyone now knows that menopause is related to hormonal fluctuations before, during and after menopause. However, it does not provide a complete picture and cannot explain why one person suffers a lot from it and another hardly at all. The two most important hormones that play a role during menopause are estrogen and progesterone. The well-known complaints are also attributed to the reduction of these two hormones.
What are the symptoms of menopause?
The lack of estrogen is responsible for the following symptoms:
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- irritability
- bloated belly
- more abdominal fat
- vaginal dryness
- painful joints and muscles.
- osteoporosis
The lack of progesterone is responsible for other symptoms known in menopause:
- irregular or absent menstruation
- irritability
- higher stress levels
- anxious feelings
What can you do medically against the symptoms of menopause
In normal Western medicine, the treatment methods are mainly aimed at supplementing the decreasing hormones. For example, there is the medicinal hormonal treatment, in which the shortage of hormones is supplemented. You are also advised to eat estrogen-rich food. As an extra, there are household tips such as avoiding alcohol, coffee, tea, too much meat and making sure that you are taking a lot of time for yourself.
What is menopause fatigue?
Menopause fatigue or burnout is an additional complaint that is increasingly experienced. Many women in menopause have, in addition to other complaints, the feeling of being empty of energy, listless or even burned out. A feeling that does not go away by itself and that can last a very long time. The causes of this are attributed to:
• poor sleep
• too much stress
• wrong medication for a long time.
We at AmanTiya think about this a bit further and also look at the real root cause that existed long before menopause. For us it is poor sleep and stress, accompanying symptoms that belong to the energy deficit. To tell the whole story we will look again at the hormonal story and then at the more total story
The relationship in hormone fluctuations
When we look at the hormone fluctuations again, we can say that estrogen and progesterone are the hormones that prepare you to become a mother. They are hormones that give you stability, make you receptive and regulate your body fluids, body fat and other body substances.
But it is not just about the decrease of these two. There is also a countermovement. Namely, the more activating hormones do not decrease and are sometimes even produced more. Examples of these hormones are thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), cortisol, testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
In a nutshell, you have moisturizing, calming hormones that decrease and activating and therefore heating hormones that increase by comparison. That is a combination that causes the heating up of your body together with dehydration. With all due respect, you could compare it to the image of the pan of water that slowly boils dry.
Why hormones are not the whole story.
For example, menopause is a story that can be explained with hormones. However, here too, it is about a total picture in which the entire body is involved. Also the mind and not to forget the entire energy balance. In addition to the hormonal story, this provides a lot more explanation, comparison, points of attack and thus ways to eliminate your complaints than just hormone therapy and eating hormone-rich food. This also concerns the nutritional aspects of the blood. The quality of the mucus balance, the absorption and distribution of food, the body rhythm and much more.
Why you can get into a state of fatigue.
With every menopause, but certainly with menopause fatigue or burn out, the entire underlying physical, mental and energetic situation that you have been creating for yourself for years also plays a role. For example, if you have been busy for years with children, with work, with sports, with social obligations and you have not taken enough time for yourself for years for rest, reflection, times without a phone and times for real contact. Then you have been in this active mode for far too long and you have already burned up a lot of body reserves and not replenished them. This then comes to the fore when your body, among other things, hormonally breaks down your body-building and controlling hormones. The activity that remains burns up the last bit of reserves and… You get into fatigue or burn out.
Why is treating via the hormone balance something you should not do?
When you look at more sides of a house, you can enter in more ways and exert influence in more ways. With menopause you can use the hormone balance as a starting point, but that is not the best choice for two reasons:
- Hormonal medicines have a lot of serious side effects
- Hormones have, what they call, negative feedback. When there is not enough of them, extra is produced, but when extra is added by medication, the body stops producing its own. You work yourself, just like with an addictive painkiller, into a medicine-dependent position
You can imagine if you add this to the story above, how hormone treatment can make your situation worse in a way that it can tip you right over the edge.
What does need to happen is that the deeper physical, mental and energetic situation needs to be looked at. There is no negative feedback here and you can bring your situation back to a stable balance in many ways, where your complaints will decrease and your energy will be reactivated and increased.
Menopause fatigue or burnout treatment at AmanTiya
To climb out of your Menopause Burnout situation, you should come to us for a while and stay at our facilities. Actually, quite a lot has to happen to get out of this impasse of menopause Burnout. First, a kind of complete reset of your system is needed. In addition, a calming down of all useless energy burners. A mental switch is needed and finally a calm but steady build-up of your base and stable energy household. For this we make a thorough personal diagnosis and draw up a individual treatment plan for you. Rhythm, energy building and creation play a major role in the areas of body, mind and the build up of your energy.
The forms of therapy used are:
- Organ mobilization therapy
- Acupuncture
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Psychotherapy
- Nutritional therapy
- Massage
- Qi Gong
The therapies are primarily intended to get you out of the impasse. They are also aimed at keeping you out of the negative circle. In addition to therapy, you are put to work on improving yourself on all fronts.
One team, with one plan, just to make you better
In our team, every therapist is an expert in the Yuan method in addition to their own expertise. This is a method that works from the core of energy. So physically, we work from the core, mentally and energetically. Because there is one whole team working on your improvement, because we work from that core, because you are central and free from any social and work obligations, we know for sure that we can help you completely.
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