Why AmanTiya?

We have a unique way of working at chroniques diseases. There is a complete diagnosis of your physical mental and energetic status. There is one individual plan to get you well again and a whole team that works together with you on that. Next to that you will be in a tropical energy giving environment without the burden of work or social expectations.

If I come from abroad, do I need a visa?

Currently, residents of most countries around the world can enter Thailand and obtain a visa upon entry. We advise and assist in this process it is very simple.

Can I go around as I please?

Yes, with us you have complete freedom to go and do as you please. We do, of course ask for attendence and cooperation at the therapy and healing sessions. 

Can I bring my laptop?

Yes, no problem, in case of Burn out or other low energy illness. It is better not to use it in the beginning of your healing program. Later on you might need it to learn to work with it without energy loss.

Are there any hidden costs?

We have no hidden costs, From the moment you arrive in Thailand everything is included except extra expenses such as, Souvenirs, Medicine or other personal care items.

What do I need to bring?

You bring the normal things that you take on a holiday. Thailand has a tropical climate, so there is no need for heavy clothes, although a light sweater and long pants can be nice to wear sometimes.

Do I need a driver’s license and what kind?

An international driving license together with your normal driver’s License is needed to drive any motorized vehicle.

What can I do in the neighborhood?

You can walk around, walk the beach, bicycle alongside the beach, tour around with a scooter, visit restaurants or go for a swim in the pool or sea. All the things you can do at a quiet beachfront location. We will provide you with a scooter or bicycle if you wish to.

Can I keep my phone?

Depending on your illness it is possible that in the first few weeks you may not use your phone, Of course you can call your family on set times or in case of an emergency

Is it tax deductible?

We cannot answer thos for you. Please check with whoever handles your taxes for you.