What is Yuan medicine?
Yuan medicine is based on traditional Chinese medicine. However, the techniques and applications are both Eastern and Western. For example, osteopathy is also used in addition to acupuncture. The whole of therapy, nutrition and training on a physical and mental level is aimed at restoring the self-healing capacity of the patient. With Yuan medicine this can be restored. That is why it is so special.
Yuan medicine can be applied in acupuncture, Osteopathy, meditation, Yuan Qi Gong and various other therapies and natural healing methods.
The self-healing ability
The self-healing ability is the body healing itself. Wounds, broken bones, infections, organ failure and much more. Without this ability we cannot survive. Not even a week, because corrections, purifications and healing actions are continuously necessary and present.
The self-healing ability tries to keep and restore your body in a continues healthy form. But with chronic illness it is not strong enough to make you completely healthy again and it goes over to compensations. This then causes a multitude of symptoms.
Why can Yuan medicine restore your self-healing ability
In chronic illness, the self-healing ability is not able to keep you healthy or to restore your health in time. It is hindered in this. In order to remove this hindrance and allow the self-healing ability to work again, a number of conditions have to be met; All the organs, all organ systems, hormone and nerve connections must be able to function optimally in their natural rhythm, in their natural contact and get enough energy consumption. When these conditions are met, the total self-healing capacity can be restored without hindrance, in full strength, and the patient can be brought back to a healthy situation.
What needs to be done and what therapy do we use for this?
- First, the psychological, social and physical burden must be removed. This is best done by removing the patient from his/her normal environment and bringing him/her into a calm, energetic and relaxed environment.
- The organs are brought back into their own healthy rhythm and into a healthy cooperation (read: transfer of substances and information) with each other. The therapy for this is organ mobilization, osteopathy and acupuncture
- The blood circulation is activated and the muscles, nerves and organs are brought to relaxation. The therapy for this is stretching exercises, cardio, Joint mobilization, massage and thermotherapy
- Increasing of the energy that the body uses for action maintenance and cure. The therapy for this is nutritional therapy, breathing therapy, thermotherapy and cardio therapy.
- The body is detoxified and relieved. The therapy for this is herbal therapy, breathing therapy, qigong and cardio therapy.
- The mind is brought to rest. The therapy for this is psychotherapy, occupational therapy, meditation and qigong
- The burdensome character traits and emotions are peeled away until the essential pure person is left. The therapy for this is psychotherapy and cognitive occupational therapy
When the self-healing ability picks itself up, it is further supported with the therapies mentioned and increased in such a way that the person heals himself and climbs out of this sick situation stronger than ever before.
Who benefits most from the Yuan method?
Everybody can benefit from the Yuan method and increase their healing or health stability. For people with a chronic illness in particular it is very beneficial when used in therapeutic way, becuase they have gotten stuck and ended up in a vicious circle in their disease. The Western medicinal method no longer offers a solution, only a little relieve sometimes. This is because there is no question of one system or organ that is disturbed anymore, but with a chronic condition a chain reaction occurs and ultimately the entire body is involved together with the mind. With a team of prfessionals on diffferent levels the restauration of the self healing ability can be restored.
Origin Yuan Method
Dr. Henricus Helsper is the creator of the Yuan Method. He studied physiotherapy, osteopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, psychotherapy and qigong. First he developed his own qigong method, the Yuan Qi Gong, to keep himself healthy during his life as a doctor. Secondly he implemented this in his acupuncture, the Yuan acupuncture to heal patients from within. It was clear that the method was very successful, but that the patient’s role could be made much stronger. Patients went home after a treatment with instructions for their life, nutrition and training, but without daily supervision. By working with a team on location this is possible and the method is complete and the way to treat even chronic diseases effectively.